Temple local and Deus Family Arthur decided he needed a new iron sled not only fit for the dirt but to go to from A to B on the daily with style, with Slidetober around the corner he ran out of excuses to not make it happen. Deus Bali head tech received the stock scorpion and ran through the usual slim fit program, getting ride all unnecessary plastic bits and bobs, angle grinding all unwanted mounts till the frame became nothing but a blank canvas for the vision of the bali workshop gurus. The tank , pegs, fenders and skid plate were reimagined and completely hand fabricated with alloy. The engine was revised with a lick of fresh black paint and some seriously shiny covers. The little scorpio also welcomed the addition of some classic posh indicators + headlight, tracker bars, pod filter, pipe and a comfy homemade bum pad for those bumpy Canggu roads. A classis stripped down, more is less kind of build. This little pup is ready to play in the dirt - and first off - Slidetober 2015!