Living surf legend Bob McTavish has been hanging around the Deus Temple in Canggu Bali getting his hands dirty. We originally thought ourselves bloody lucky just to entice him to Bali for a spot of early morning surfing and afternoon shaping then got, what they call in racing circles, the trifector, when his dates lined up like the planets with our ‘Deus 9′ & Single Log Fest’ a couple of weeks ago. He arrived on a the Saturday arvo, we had him waxing lyrically on our veranda that night in the Shapers Forum and Bob being Bob, it wasn’t much more than a day later before he’d sniffed out the resin and foam making his way down the back of the yard and into the shaping bay. With the last comment he made at the Shapers Forum, in answer to Monty’s question, “If you were 20 years old, going travelling and you could take one board with you, what would it be?” still ringing in all of our ears. He spent the next few short days in the bay and produced not one, not two… but a prodigious ten Bob McTavish limited edition Trackers. They are so good. We didn’t want this auspicious little partnership to go off half cocked, so we enlisted the help of our underworked design team (sic) who lept in and rustled up a hot looking ‘Bob McTavish – Deus’ logo which has been silk screened in cream onto the deck along with a unique individual number. All loaded up over an already super sick deep red resin tint job done by our favourite glasser Jake Bowery. Icing on this resin and foam cake has to be the matching cream, 12in hand foiled flex fin, cut from Bob’s own template. These are not just any old surfboard, they are fully functional works of art and as the maestro said, they’d make the best travelling companion a surfer could want. Mind you, you do not have to travel to enjoy a McTavish. Stay at home sliders would surely welcome this in as a member of their quiver. Being the little big international organisation that we are, the boards will be available from all three of our locations. We’re spreading Bob’s love worldwide divvying up our little prize across Canggu Bali, Camperdown Sydney and Venice Beach California They are one of a kind, well ten of a kind, but lets not split straws. Hop on ya bike and head to your local Deus shop before these babies disappear.